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At what percentage should you restart?


the ability to rotate the field of view would be helpful


My world is going good so far, but inflation is becoming a little much!

(1 edit)

Lol this game is too realistic Btw that is insane 0-0


Gathering more money for a big spending spree:

I swear they need to add some rotating feature, would make the game 10x better 😭

yes and like tilt


I would LOVE a way to be able to sort the cards in your inventory. Like having all the grass and trees together instead of it being a jumbled mess. Especially for when you buy a ton of cards at once. 


Most definitely a great game! Like other people, I'd like a way to remove tiles without resetting, but still a great lil comfy game!

It's a nice game, 11/10, I think there should be a trash can to put things and tiles you don't need and more objects and more biomes, that ìt would be nicer ;D 

There is a "trash can" if you click a card, in the top left there is a discard button.

for tiles

its really fun but does really need a trash can even if it deletes them


Nice game. I enjoyed playing it.

Small feedback. I think there should be a remove button to remove tiles that I already placed.


good game, i wish there was a delete button for deleting messy tiles


I finally downloaded the game after playing for a long time. I absolutely love this game, it is very relaxing to play when you're settling down for the night! Keep up the great work!


can you maybe add more biomes? i think it would bring this amazing game some more options and take the creativity that I've seen to a whole different level. i love the game by the way, you did a great job


i,m addicted to this game 10/10 i can,t stop playing!



I would love to be able to see what tiles are giving me what bonuses, maybe by hovering over them.  


It's really fun! I think it would be great if there were an editing option to make everything more aesthetically pleasing  ^^


This is fun! I haven’t played an idle game in a while, and I got sucked into this pretty easily! ’^~^


I love this game! It'd be great on mobile!

You can play it on mobile! There’s an apk and the web version works aswell.


You don't know me, but my name's Cy

I'm just the O'Hare Delivery Guy

But it seems like trees might be worth a try

So, I say let it grow

My name is Dan

And my name's Rose

Our son Wesley kind of glows

And that's not good, so we suppose

We should let it grow

Let it grow, let it grow

You can't reap what you don't sow

Plant a seed inside the Earth

Just one way to know it's worth

Let's celebrate the world's rebirth

We say let it grow

My name's Marie, and I am three

I would really like to see a tree

La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la, la-la-li

I say let it grow

I'm Grammy Norma

I'm old, and I've got gray hair

But I remember when trees were everywhere

And no one had to pay for air

So, I say let it grow

Let it grow, let it grow

Like it did so long ago

It is just one tiny seed

But it's all we really need

It's time to change the life we lead

Time to let it grow

My name's O'Hare, I'm one of you

I live here in Thneedville too

The things you say just might be true

It could be time to start anew

And maybe change my point of view

Naw! I say let it die

Let it die, let it die

Let it shrivel up and

Come on! Who's with me? Huh?


You greedy dirtbag!

Let it grow, let it grow

Let the love inside you show

Plant a seed inside the Earth

Just one way to know it's worth

Let's celebrate the world's rebirth

We say, let it grow!

Let it grow, let it grow

You can't reap what you don't sow

It is just one tiny seed

But it's all we really need

It's time to banish all your greed

Imagine Thneedville flowered and treed

Let this be our solemn creed

We say let it grow (in Thneedville)

We say let it grow (it's a brand-new dawn)

We say let it grow (in Thneedville)

We say let it grow (it's a brand-new dawn)


thank you

I love this game! Good job!

(1 edit) (+2)

Love the game, made these! only downside is the max zoom and the cost scaling!

This was my first attempt

And this is my second attempt

the cost scaling is insane though!


Would it be good if you can delete or move an object?

The only thing i see to the grass books :{


This is really good, it feels relaxing to progress through and build out a little island


awsome game, only thing is that i would like to see some new terrains besides forest and desert


Would love to see a big game realized with this concept, it's amazing, has a great sense of progress and is very calming


I've played this on crazy games, but I wish there were more biomes, or even more choices in general, but I'm having lots of fun with what I got!


May I suggest a hotbar with the things we can place and the quantity we have? The thing is... Cards are kinda laggy and hard to identify when they stack together.


This game is just sooo cozy and fun! I actually started making something similar but with hand drawn isometric tiles, which made me think, maybe some texture pack/variations could be fun ;)


I’d love that but it’d probably be too hard. That looks amazing tho!

(2 edits) (+3)

just throwing around ideas ;) scope creep is a beast but I’d love to see this project expand more, It has potential as a great casual game


I love this game!! I really think you should add more to it! If there were more upgrades to get I could literally play this for hours on end.


please do not remove this, i love it. DO NOT REMOVE BUG PLSSSSSSSSSS

could u make a mac downloadable vers?

Good Game!

Terraforma Gameplay - 


Little simple town. Quite lovely :)

(1 edit) (+2)

Could you make some sort of full screen mode by any chance. In my opinion it would make your amazing game 100x better.

Love the game!!

Edit: Could you also make a way to delete things that are accidently placed?

It would be lovely to have a small sandbox mode. I know that's not the point, but the art style is so cute that I can't resist asking. The small houses and rivers would make such a pretty town.


So insanely long that it took 2 screenshots to barely fit.


The best relaxing game I came upon so far! I love this game!!

(2 edits) (+1)

Love the game. 

idk if its only bugged for me, but you can just spam the new world button for infinite multiplier and the multiplier calculation seems to be off by factor 100, like +100% gives you +10,000%. 

For example in the picture i should earn 0.20,  but i get 10.10


I don't think it's a bug

omg this is so fun and relaxing pls continue working on this game and adding more things and features.

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